ICOM:s 27:e Generalkonferens blir i Dubai
Vart tredje år samlas museiprofessionella världen över till museisektorns största konferens: ICOM General Conference. Konferensen samlar omkring 4 000 museiprofessionella världen över med ett specifikt tema för att främja internationellt samarbete och branschens utveckling.
Ansökningsprocessen om den 27:e ICOM Generalkonferens 2025 har pågått under 2021 där Stockholm, Kazan och Dubai kandiderade för värdskapet. Stockholm kandiderade med temat: The museum sector we need for the world we want. Ways to Agenda 2030 and beyond.
ICOM:s röstning om vilket land som ska få vara värd för konferensen 2025 avslutades den 19 november och församlingen valde Dubai som värdland med temat: The Future of Museums in Rapidly Changing Communities, focusing on change, recovery, accessibility, and transparency.
Om ICOM Stockholm 2025 kandidaturen
A Global & Interactive Conference
ICOM Sweden is offering a new kind of conference for the 27th ICOM General Conference. A global, interactive, and digital conference to bring the museum sector together, to act together, for Agenda 2030. We offer new Travel Grants categories, a new International Museology Award, sustainable participation and interesting events at exciting meeting places.
This is more than a hybrid conference and we want more than just to bring participants to Stockholm. We want to give you a new kind of experience – a conference without borders, interactive and digital, accessible around the world. We connect the on-site conference in Stockholm with Satellite Studios in Africa, Asia, and Latin Amerika, bringing your voice to the global agenda.
A Global Conference
This is a scalable – global conference. It can grow in line with ICOM needs and demands, both for the on-site arrangements and for the digital participation.
We are helping ICOM to:
- become a global organization through satellite regional centers all over the world
- transform towards the sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030, tackling issues that affect all of us, regardless of location
- innovate on technical & business models that provides accessibility for the whole museum sector
Satellite Studios in Regional Centers can be established in different regions, as in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to include and engage participants in discussions and decisions that take place in the Stockholm Studio. A speech, a lecture, a panel, a workshop, or a round table can be carried out anywhere and broadcasted globally. A discussion can start in Stockholm, continue through the Satellite Studios around the world, and hence engage participantsin several time zones.
Creative Hubs can enable thematic discussions for the ICOM community. Participants meet up, for instance in a museum, to engage in discussions, activities, and decisions prior to, or during, the conference.
Thoughts and voices from the Satellite Studios & Creative Hubs can contribute to this worldwide ongoing conference to support a global engagement without borders. Digital voting will take place on-site and offsite, from smartphones, surf pads and computers.
A daily broadcast will provide summaries, comments, and interviews on the conference issues from all the Satellite Studios and Creative Hubs.
Travel Grants will facilitate a global participation and prioritize the global south and young museum professionals. We offer three categories:
– Travel to Stockholm
– Attend digitally
– Travel to your nearest Satellite Studio in Africa, Latin America, or Asia

Sustainability and Agenda 2030
The conference theme is linked to the global, interactive, democratizing, and inclusive conference format, with sustainability and Agenda 2030 in focus.
We want to bring all future museum related topics together and connect them to the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030. We need to discuss how museums can step up, to not only follow, but to shape the post-2030 sustainable development agenda.
We want to bring the museum sector together to discuss and act on how museums can help support a better future for people and the environment. As ICOM President Alberto Garlandini said during the second UNESCO High Level Forum on Museums: ’We must keep our eyes on our ultimate goal: achieving the SDGs’.
This conference offers full accessibility and digital global participation for the whole ICOM community and the museum sector. You can travel to Stockholm and participate on-site and at the same time give digital access to your staff.
New International Museology Award
Established in Stockholm 2025, nominated by a jury of selected ICOM representatives and recurrently awarded at the ICOM General Conferences.

Exciting Stockholm Events
Attendees on-site in Stockholm will be able to enjoy a number of events and activities:
– A Nobel Night – Reception Dinner at the Stockholm City Hall, where the Nobel laureates dine
– Exciting meeting places – for social events and excursions
– 90 museums in Stockholm – and over 1 500 museums and heritage sites in Sweden
– Visit 8 countries within ICOM Nord – Denmark, Finland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Island,
Norway, Sweden or Åland
– Accommodation – from 5-star hotels to hostels in Stockholm, something for the whole ICOM community
Welcome to ICOM Stockholm 2025
We value and stand for democracy, diversity, innovation, inclusion, transparency, sustainability!
Participate in the way that suits you and your museum:
– Participate and make an impact digitally, without traveling
– Come to Stockholm – and at the same time give full digital access to your staff
– Extend your committee on-site arrangements to the global community
This is a new kind of conference – our way to Agenda 2030.
Our application supports all UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the key to sustainable museums as well as to a sustainable world.
ICOM Sweden
Proud applicant for the 27th ICOM General Conference 2025