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Svenska ICOM på Museernas vårmöte 2021

Using the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) as a framework to drive museums’ contributions to society and a better future.

Svenska ICOM deltar i Museernas Vårmöte med ett engagerande föredrag om museernas relation till hållbar utveckling. Delta först genom att svara på 10 enkätfrågor om museer och hållbar utveckling. Svaren kommer att ligga till grund för föredraget.

Föredragshållaren är Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow & ICOM Sustainability Working Group.

”What role can museums play in supporting a better world, and what would a better world look like in terms of people, planet and prosperity? The COVID19 pandemic has shown up some of the weaknesses that existed across our society, with great inequality within and between countries. Other challenges – climate change, biodiversity loss, and tension between countries among others – all need to be addressed. But where should we start? Which are more important? Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, agreed by the world’s governments in 2015 as a global plan of action to 2030, are by far the best blueprint for a better future. They acknowledge that a different approach is needed, that doesn’t try to tackle problems one at a time, and we must work together for the common good. This presentation will present the results of a survey of Swedish museum workers’ views on priorities for the museum sector, and connect these with Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals as our shared plan for people, planet and prosperity – and museums.”The event will be held in English/eventet är på engelska.

28 april kl 10.30

Varmt välkommen!
– Svenska ICOM

Länkar till föredraget:

ICOM Resolution on the Sustainable Development Goals

Museums and Human Rights
Human rights as a basis for public service

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The Sustainable Development Goals: Helping Transform our World Through Museums

Sustainable Development Report – Sweden (OECD)

Museums and Disaster Risk Reduction: building resilience in museums, society and nature

Henry McGhie – Curating Tomorrow