Stockholm candidates for the museum sector’s world congress in 2025

Stockholm is one of the candidates for the museum sector’s major world congress in 2025, announces ICOM Sweden, the Swedish section of the museum organization International Council of Museums. The other two finalists are Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Kazan, Russia.
During spring 2021, ICOM Sweden worked intensively on the application to organize ICOM’s 27th General Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The theme of the congress is UN’s global goals for sustainable development and the title of the congress is The museum sector we need for the world we want. Ways to Agenda 2030 and beyond announces a happy Medea Ekner, ICOM Sweden’s Chairman of the Board of directors. The decision on who will be allowed to hold the congress will be made during 2021.
ICOM’s World Congresses bring together around 4,000 museum professionals worldwide every three years around a specific theme to promote international cooperation and museum sector development. For 2025, ICOM Sweden is applying for a hybrid congress for 2,000 physical visits and at least 3,000 digital visits.
“We are investing in a hybrid congress for three days, around the clock and around the world on three continents, and for democratic participation. Every museum and their employees should be able to participate worldwide and influence the common future ”, says Medea Ekner, ICOM Sweden’s Chairman of the Board.
The main focus of the Congress is a sustainable future and the museum sector’s approach to meet the UN’s global goals and Agenda 2030 in both the program and the implementation of the Congress. The physical location is based on the Waterfront Congress Center in central Stockholm.
“Increased collaboration between museums is a prerequisite for meeting common global challenges. We want to bring museums together to learn from each other and support each other in the work towards a sustainable future. We also want to strengthen Sweden and the Nordic region in an international context in these matters, ”says Medea Ekner.
In order for the congress to have the best possible conditions, ICOM Sweden wants to collaborate with the Swedish UNESCO Council, the Swedish Museums Association, the Swedish National Heritage Board, the regional alliance ICOM NORD, Visit Stockholm, actors working for Agenda 2030 and others.
For further comments, contact Medea Ekner, ICOM Sweden’s Chairman of the Board: